Related show
- Artist: Voice Activated: new music flash choir / Make Music NY
- Date: 06/21/14
- Time: 12:00pm
- Venue: Warwick Archway
- City: New York , NEW YORK
- Address: in Central Park near W. 81st street / Central Park West
- Venue phone: 2129985424
- Country: United States
- Admission: free
- Age restrictions: All Ages
- Notes: 2nd annual Voice Activated event for Make Music NY. Bringing surprising and beautiful experimental and contemporary classical vocal and vocal group music to public spaces and to new ears in Warwick Arch’s enveloping 3 second reverberations.. with Kitty Brazelton, Kristin Norderval, Leila Adu, Merche Blasco, Jen Baker, Sarah Bernstein, Gisburg, Megan Schubert, Randy Gibson