Live Sound Processing workshop & concert May 12th (2012) at Harvestworks

Live Sound Processing Strategies: A free workshop and concert at Harvestworks was on May 12th, 2012

Joining Dafna were masters in their craft: Robert Dick (flutes) and Satoshi Takeishi (percussion):

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This evening was created to explore and discuss various live sound processing strategies through performance, lecture and presentation, and will gave participants a foundation for developing their own work. The lecture/presentation was taught by Dafna Naphtali, who uses live sound processing in her work since 1995, and will began with a performance by a trio that included Robert Dick (flutes) and Satoshi Takeishi (percussion).
more information..    Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 8.36.33 PM


Dafna has been associated with Harvestworks since the mid-90’s, as consultant, instructor (classes and workshops in Max/MSP, live sound processing, Max for Live, Jitter, and other courses as well as one-on-one instruction).    She also sat on many panels for various Harvestworks events such as Peekaboo Festival, Who’s in Control, and New Instruments for Improvisation and Experimental Approaches at HERE Gallery.

In 2010 she was an artist-in-residence, and worked on her solo pieces “Mahashefa” and “Robotica” for LEMUR robots and voice.

New Instruments For Improvisation and Experimental Approaches 6/28/2010

Symposium on June 28, 2010 at HERE ARTS CENTER, New York: New instruments for Improvisation and Experimental Approaches with Laetitia Sonami, Dafna Naphtali, Matthew Ostrowski and Hans Tammen

New Instruments For Improvisation And Experimental Approaches, an investigation into contemporary sound art and experimental music using custom made electronic instruments, will consider the methods and intentions of 4 artists building new instruments and specialized interfaces. In a day-long series of presentations, talks and performances these artists will discuss how their practice as improvisers, sound artists and experimental musicians lead to inventing their own tools, and how these inventions in turn influenced their musical performance techniques.

New Instruments for Improvisation and Experimental Approaches at HERE ARTS CENTER

Flickr photostream of event: