Related show
- Artist: Dafna Naphtali
- Date: 06/10/17
- Time: 4:00pm
- Venue: ST. RAPHAEL-RONDELL @ 48h Wilhelsmburg Festival
- City: Hamburg
- Address: Jungnickelstraße 21
- Country: Germany
- Age restrictions: All Ages
- More information
- Notes: Dafna Naphtali presents Walkie Talkie Dream Garden: a work-in-progress interactive / electroacoustic sound walk for U-Gruve Audio Augmented Reality, a mobile device app for geo-tagging / audio to the listener’s location, with sounds from Brooklyn- Williamsburg & HH-Wilhelmsburg. WWW.KIRCHE-WILHELMSBURG.DE DAFNA.INFO , WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH Map: GOOGLE MAPS SATURDAY | 16:30 TO 17:30 KINDERBAUERNHOF KIRCHDORF | Stübenhofer way KIDS ON TREES Kids On Trees combine melodies, artefacts and dancing joy. They value their unpretentious sound and their live bumblebees. Kids on Trees are Maria, Benjamin, Timo, Marc and Hendrik. In summer 2017 the kids will release a new album. WWW.KIBAHO.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/KIDSONTREES Map: GOOGLE MAPS pages ” » PROGRAM AS PDF DIGITAL PROGRAM BOOKLET To pressTO PRESSsendSENDSave as PDFSAVE AS PDF Share DIVIDE NETWORK MUSIC FROM THE ELBE ISLANDS IS A PROJECT OF STIFTUNG BÜRGERHAUS WILHELMSBURG WITH FRIENDLY SUPPORT FROM CONTACT IMPRESSUM © 2017 STIFTUNG BÜRGERHAUS WILHELMSBURG