NY Laptop Orchestra @NYU!
This fall we plan to re-start NYLO — New York Laptop Orchestra @ NYU !
what’s a laptop orchestra ? see http://laptoporchestra.net/ and http://plork.cs.princeton.edu/
for other examples. ..’bout time NYU had one..
NYLO will be run as a second section of Electronic Music Performance on
Wednesday nights (after section 1).
Participants can be at any level, majors or non-majors. The only
requirement will be that you have available laptop, are a musician.
We will play pieces from the growing repertoire of laptop orchestra pieces,
as well as create our own pieces.
In the first EMP section, as in the past, we will work on various methods
for creating / performing electronic music: both from repertoire and also
very up-to-the-minute and recent works/compositions, focusing on individual
and ensemble work, improvisation, live electronics, live sound processing
Section 1 of EMP require permission of instructor to register (see below)
Both sections will do at least one end of semester performance on/off campus.
Both sections can be taken for 2 credits and count as ensemble classes.
Anyone wishing to participate in NYLO please contact Dafna Naphtali,