Video pieces by Dafna Naphtali

I create video works in which I make both the visuals and sound. The first work in 2010 was MaxMSP-Jitter programming with Chuck Bettis (Chatter Blip) for our live performance at Experimental Intermedia and other performances in support of our first release.  In 2016, I started creating new fixed media works that stem from a residency I did that June at Signal Culture (a wonderful residency run by Jason and Debora Bernagozzi and Hank Rudolph), where I was introduced to the terrific work and technology behind the former Experimental TV center, the great video synthesis technology inventor and designer Dave Jones and a remake of Nam June Paik’s Wobbulator and more.  See below new pieces created with Chuck Bettis for the 2nd Chatterblip release in 2020.

A three channel piece, AWOL_socket, was created with materials generated at Signal Culture, video feedback, Wobbulator, Serge modular and Eurorack synths, Max/MSP and Face OSC control (using my facial muscle-expressions to control some of what is seen, colors, speed motion).  These materials were later assembled and further manipulated in Max/Jitter into a three channel phasing piece.

In January 2021:  AWOL_socket was in The (NotSo) Short Fest at Ely Museum curated by Jean Casbarian with many colleagues from TransArt Institute. 


Another piece stemming from the residency at Signal Culture is Blaafarvevaerket, using the Wobbulator, MVIP, and facial control, and was assembled in aleatoric layouts and phasing playback in Max/Jitter.  Sounds by Hans Tammen with Blippoo Box.  Premiered at Screen Compositions March 2017, Experimental Intermedia, NYC.

In Sept 2020, new audio driven videos wer created with Chuck Bettis (Chatter Blip duo) to support our album “Microcosmopolitan” see “Microcosmopolitan Chatter Blip TV” originally streamed by Harvestworks.  All created using audio from the album and Max/MSP/Jitter programming we created together during the pandemic lockdown Summer 2020.

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