Full curriculum Vitae: CV_DafnaNaphtali
Courses taught at NYU:
Advanced Max/MSP/Jitter (2007-present) – computer programming for interactive computer music, installations, multi-channel sound, MIDI and alternative controllers. Syllabus here.
Electronic Music Performance (2010-present) – in-class electronic ensemble work and laptop orchestra with weekly listening and reading assignments on current practices and electronic music history, and final live performance. Syllabus here.
Electronic Music Performance: Soundwalking and Field Recording (course designed for blended in-person/online during pandemic, Fall ’20, Spring 2021) Students investigate soundwalking and field recording as an artistic practice, learn about listening techniques, make field recordings, create their own soundwalks, and explore work by other artists for context via field trips, historical readings and listening assignments. Syllabus here.
Intro Max — MIDI II (1995-2003 and 2016-17). Introductory programming course in Max/MSP for interactive computer music, algorithmic composition and project and advanced applications of MIDI standard. Syllabus here.
Advanced Computer Music Composition (Fall 2017) took over the course for ill faculty member — weekly listening and composition exercises and critiques leading to a final concert.
Computer Music Synthesis first year entry level Max/MSP course focusing on music synthesis techniques Fall 2018 Syllabus here.
Digital Audio Processing (Fall 2009, summer 2016), an intensive graduate research course, penultimate in the NYU Music Tech graduate student experience. Syllabus here.
Private music composition (2007-present) – electronic music, Max projects, also song-writing, music theory, 4-part writing as needed for non-majors.
Courses taught at New School University:
Live Electronics for Interactive Music (2016-17) – electronic music ensemble work, teaching synthesis, sampling, active/acousmatic listening and Max programming leading to a final concert (a.k.a. Electronic Music Performance). Syllabus here.
Soundwalking and Field Recording (Spring 2022, Spring 2023) Students investigate soundwalking and field recording as an artistic practice, learn about listening techniques, make field recordings, create their own soundwalks, and explore work by other artists for context via field trips, historical readings and listening assignments, and technical training. Syllabus here.
Intro to Music Technology (Fall ‘14-‘16)– music technology from historical, philosophical, and practical hands-on perspectives including physics of sound, psychoacoustics; case studies on compositional techniques such as musique concrète and electronic synthesis; studio mixing, recording and production techniques. Syllabus here.
Electronic Music (Spring ‘15)— electronic music survey, listening/reading and hands-on practice culminating in final projects. Independent Study (2017) with students wishing to do interactive sound installation work, Max programming, thesis show preparation. Syllabus here.
Past courses taught:
•Uniarts Sound Art Academy (August 2015) at Sibelius Academy and University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland. Designed and taught a 6-day intensive course “Aesthetics of Live Sound Processing” with 10 international artist/musician participants.
•Transart Institute (2012-2014) studio advisor for low-residency interdisciplinary arts/MFA program based in NY and Berlin. Summer 2013, taught workshop “Interactive Sound Art” at Transart Fest in Berlin.
•Brooklyn College (Spring ’12, Fall ’13, Spring ‘14) PIMA (Performance & Interactive Media Arts) M.F.A. program. Course was intro to Max/MSP for interactive performance, for an intensive interdisciplinary graduate program.
•Bloomfield College (Fall ’11) Music Theory and Music Technology/Sequencing for CAT (Creative Arts and Technology program)
•Bard College (Spring ’03- invited to teach while Richard Teitelbaum was on sabbatical) Max/MSP & computer music.
•School of Visual Arts (Computer Arts Dep’t ‘04). Max/MSP/Jitter for Computer Arts MFA program.
•Pratt Institute Media Arts Dep’t (’98-’99) Intro to Sound Technologies for film/animation majors.